When you are applying to become military personnel, the procedure may require you to get a waiver. There are different types of waivers that you can get, and they will take time to be approved. So, you may wonder “How long does a military waiver take to get approved?”
Unfortunately, there is no solid answer. Military waivers can take from three weeks to three months to be approved. The time duration depends on a variety of factors, like medical waivers and moral waivers.
You can find more details as you read. Therefore, continue until the end.
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How Long Does It Take to Get a Military Waiver?
Before we answer the question, it is helpful to know the two main types of military waivers, which we have mentioned briefly above.
Military Medical Waiver
The first to discuss is a military medical waiver. This is a special permission to join the military despite having a medical condition.
The medical waiver process can differ depending on the military branch you are applying for, particularly regarding the approval rate. Generally, you will have to take a medical exam at the MEPS and complete a medical prescreen form.
If you have any conditions that may make you unfit for the military, you can still join if you receive valid waivers. You will need a waiver for aids, asthma, cirrhosis, crohn’s disease, diabetes, HIV, hepatitis, heart defects, ear infections, poor hearing, loss of a limb, and scoliosis.
In addition, you must get a waiver for mental illnesses like anxiety disorders, bipolar disorders, drug or alcohol use, depression, post-traumatic stress disorders, and schizophrenia.
Sometimes, you may be requested for closer examination by doctors employed in the DOD. This tends to lengthen the time you have to wait for the results of your waiver applications.
Most military medical waivers, however, take at least one month before you hear back from the force.
Military Moral Waiver
The second type of waiver is a military moral waiver, which is a form of clearance for criminal records. Certain offenses and felonies can be “cleared out” if you obtain a waiver. Then, you may be eligible to serve.
However, like military medical waivers, certain branches may be more likely to approve your waiver. It relies on several factors, such as the severity of your crime, how well you performed on the ASVAB and other entrance tests, as well as the current demand for personnel.
During wartime, for example, you are more likely to get your waivers approved, and get them more quickly too. The time it takes for approval results also depends on the number of waivers you are waiting for. Naturally, the more waivers you request, the longer you will have to wait to hear back from the force. It can take as little as 3 weeks and as much as 3 months.
With that, you have finished reading this article on “How long does a military waiver take to get approved?” Now that you have an idea of the waiting time, just be patient and hope for the best. If you found this article useful, please share it with others as well.
I am Everett Bledsoe, taking on the responsibility of content producer for The Soldiers Project. My purpose in this project is to give honest reviews on the gear utilized and tested over time. Of course, you cannot go wrong when checking out our package of information and guide, too, as they come from reliable sources and years of experience.